Clarity Pharmacy Provide Accurate Quality Of NHS Services
Visit Our pharmacist branches for expert face-to-face advice and support
FREE New Medicines Service

If you are prescribed a medicine to treat a long-term condition for the first time,
You may be able to get extra help and advice about your medicine from your local pharmacist through a new free scheme called the New Medicine Service (NMS). People often have problems when they start a new medicine. In this scheme the pharmacist will support you over several weeks to use the medicine safely and to best effect. You are eligible for this service if you the new medication is for Asthma, COPD, Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure or a blood thinning medication.
Supervised Consumption

The service is funded by the NHS so that means it’s free for the patient.
Supervised consumption is an nhs service that is used in certain conditions to ensure that patients take their medication at regular intervals such as in substance dependence. the prescriber writes the supervised consumption instructions on the prescription. the service is funded by the nhs, it’s free for the patient.
Blood Pressure Screening

Did you know high blood pressure (hypertension) affects 1 in 3 adults in the UK?
If left untreated, it can lead to heart problems, strokes, and damage to other vital organs. Therefore, it’s crucial to be aware of the risks and how you can reduce them as much as possible. That’s where we can help, visit us and have your blood pressure checked.
Stop Smoking

How Can Clarity Pharmacy Help You Stop Smoking?
Looking for advice on how to stop smoking? At Miles Pharmacy, our primary goal is to work with you and help you on your journey to a cigarette-free and healthy life. We offer Smoking Cessation Services to give you the assistance and reassurance you need to give up cigarettes for good. Many people struggle to stop smoking alone, but with our support and proven smoking cessation methods using nicotine replacement patches, lozenges, or gums, this is your opportunity to give it up for good. By participating in a structured programme, you triple your chances of quitting smoking for good. It gives you the tools, medical aids, and support for the physical and emotional challenges of quitting smoking.
Seasonal Flu Jab

NHS & Private Flu Vaccination Services
Now more than ever, it’s vitally important to have your flu jab. Not just for your own benefit, but also for your loved ones and those you may work with. At Clarity Pharmacy, we’re here to help you be ready for every flu season. Plus we’ve got everything you might need for those winter illnesses and ailments too. We offer flu jabs in store for anyone over the age of 12. If you don’t pay for your flu jabs, if you’re pregnant, work with immunocompromised individuals, over the age of 50, or have a medical condition, then your jab will be completely FREE funded by the NHS.
Emergency Hormonal Contraception

Unprotected sex can lead not just to pregnancy, but a number of other health complications.
Unfortunately, one may forget to use the condom, or as it often happens, even with the best of intentions, the condom might burst / slip off during intercourse. What started as safe sex might then become potentially unsafe. The solution to this common problem is consuming an Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) or what is usually called the morning after pill. The first myth that needs to be broken is the concept of ‘morning after’. Emergency hormonal contraception should be taken as early as possible after unprotected sex. The efficacy of the pill is dependent on time.